WANT SOMETHING TO DO NOW? What are your favourite toys?
- Draw picture of your favourite toys on a piece of paper
- Color the pictures in
- Write the english words for the toys next to the pictures.
The giant in this story lives in a castle. Imagine that you live in a castle. What rooms would you have in the castle? Draw a picture of your castle and write the names of the rooms in English.
The giant in this story has magic things. He has a magic hen - and the magic hen lays golden eggs. He has a magic harp - and the harp sings.
Look at the things in your bedroom or in another room of your house. Imagine that the things are magic. How would they be magic? For example:
My cuddly Rabbit I always have good dreams when I sleep with this rabbit
My slippers I can jump as high as the house when I wear this slippers
My cupboard Fairies live in my cupboard
- Take a piece of paper
- Write the days of the week down the side (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday)
- Draw a picture of what you do on each day (for example, go swimming; play tennis etc)
- Put your poster on the wall!
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